List of Accepted Papers

Oral Presentations

Paper ID Paper Title Authors
15 Simultaneous Detection and Classification of Partially and Weakly Supervised Cells Alona Golts (Technion)*; Ido Livneh (Technion); Aaron Ciechanover (Technion); Michael Elad (Technion)
21 Multi-Scale Multi-Task distillation for incremental 3D medical image segmentation Mu Tian (Shenzhen University)*; Qinzhu Yang (Shenzhen University); Yi Gao (Shenzhen University)
24 Anatomy-Aware Contrastive Representation Learning for Fetal Ultrasound Zeyu Fu (University of Oxford)*; Jianbo Jiao (University of Oxford); Robail Yasrab (University of Oxford ); Lior Drukker (University of Oxford); Aris Papageorghiou (University of Oxford); Alison Noble (University of Oxford)
25 Joint Calibrationless Reconstruction and Segmentation of Parallel MRI Aniket Pramanik (University of Iowa)*; Mathews Jacob (University of Iowa)
32 qDWI-Morph: Motion-compensated quantitative Diffusion-Weighted MRI analysis for fetal lung maturity assessment Yael Zaffrani-Reznikov (Technion)*; Onur Afacan (Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School); Sila Kurugol (Boston Children's Hospital and Harvard Medical School); Simon K Warfield (Harvard University); Moti Freiman (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
33 Estimating Withdrawal Time in Colonoscopies Liran Katzir (Google); Danny Veikherman (Google Haifa); Valentin Dashinsky (Google); Roman Goldenberg (Google); Ilan Shimshoni (University of Haifa); Nadav Rabani (Google Haifa); Regev Cohen (Verily Life Sciences )*; Ori Kelner (Verily Life Sciences); Ehud Rivlin (Google); Daniel Freedman (Google Israel)
34 Beyond Local Processing: Adapting CNNs for CT Reconstruction Bassel Hamoud (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)*; Yuval Bahat (Princeton University); Tomer Michaeli (Technion)

Poster Presentations

Paper ID Paper Title Authors
1 Swin-Unet: Unet-like Pure Transformer for Medical Image Segmentation hu cao (Technical University of Munich); Yueyue Wang (Fudan University); Joy Chen (Johns Hopkins University); Dongsheng Jiang (Huawei Cloud & AI)*; xiaopeng zhang (Huawei Cloud EI ); Qi Tian (Huawei Cloud & AI); Manning Wang (Fudan University)
4 Self-Attention Capsule Network for Tissue Classification in case of Complex Medical Image Statistics Assaf Hoogi (Ariel university)*; Brian Wilcox (Stanford University); Yachee Gupta (Stanford University); Daniel Rubin (Stanford University)
6 ReLaX: Retinal Layer Attribution for Guided Explanations of Automated Optical Coherence Tomography Classification Evan H Wen (The Pingry School)*; ReBecca Sorenson (Chinle Comprehensive Health Care Facility); Max Ehrlich (University of Maryland)
7 Neural Registration and Segmentation of White Matter Tracts in Multi-modal Brain MRI Noa Barzilay (Tel Aviv University); Ilya Nelkenbaum (Sheba Medical Center); Eli Konen (Sheba Medical Center); Nahum Kiryati (Tel-Aviv University); Arnaldo Mayer (Sheba Medical Center)*
8 Complementary Phase Encoding for Pair-wise Neural Deblurring of Accelerated Brain MRI Gali Hod (Tel Aviv University); Michael Green (Computer science school, Ben-Gurion university, Israel)*; Mark Waserman (Sheba Medical Center); Eli Konen (Sheba Medical Center); Shai Shrot (Sheba Medical Center); Ilya Nelkenbaum (Sheba Medical Center); Nahum Kiryati (Tel-Aviv University); Arnaldo Mayer (Sheba Medical Center)
13 Frequency dropout: Feature-level regularization via randomized filtering Mobarakol Islam (Imperial College London)*; Ben Glocker (Imperial College London)
14 PVBM: A Python Vasculature Biomarker Toolbox Based On Retinal Blood Vessel Segmentation Joachim JB Behar (Technion Israel Institute of Technology)*; Jonathan Fhima (Technion Israel Institute of Technology); Jan Van Eijgen ( KU Leuven); Ingeborg Stalmans (KU Leuven); Yevgeniy Men (Technion Israel Institute of Technology); Moti Freiman (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
17 Deep-ASPECTS: A Segmentation-Assisted Model for Stroke Severity Measurement Ujjwal Upadhyay (*; Mukul Ranjan (; Satish Golla (; Swetha Tanamala (; Sasank Chilamkurthy (Qure.AI); Preetham Putha (; Jason W Tarpley (Pacific Neuroscience Institute); Dr Jeyaraj D Pandian (Christian Medical College Ludhiana)
18 ExSwin-Unet: An Unbalanced Weighted Unet with Shifted Window and External Attentions for Fetal Brain MRI Image Segmentation Yufei Wen (South China University of Technology)*; Chongxin Liang (Shenzhen University); Jingyin Lin (Shenzhen University); Huisi Wu (Shenzhen University); Jing Qin (The Hong Kong Polytechnic University)
19 Contour Dice loss for structures with Fuzzy and Complex Boundaries in Fetal MRI Bella Specktor Fadida (HUJI)*; Bossmat Yehuda (Sagol Brain Institute, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center; Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University); Daphna Link-Sourani (Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center); Liat Ben Sira (Sackler Faculty of Medicine & Sagol School of Neuroscience, Tel Aviv University; Division of Pediatric Radiology, Tel Aviv Sourasky Medical Center, Tel Aviv-Yafo); Dafna Ben Bashat (Tel-Aviv Sourasky Medical Center); Leo Joskowicz (HUJI)
22 A Data-Efficient Deep Learning Framework for Segmentation and Classification of Histopathology Images Pranav Singh (New York University)*; Jacopo Cirrone (New York University)
23 Bounded Future MS-TCN++ for surgical gesture recognition Adam Goldbraikh (Technion)*; Netanell Avisdris (School of computer science and engineering, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel); Carla Pugh (Stanford University); Shlomi Laufer (Technion)
27 Multi-Label Attention Map Assisted Deep Feature Learning for Medical Image Classification Dwarikanath Mahapatra (Inception Institute of Artificial Intelligence)*; Mauricio Reyes (University of Bern)
30 Patient-level Microsatellite Stability Assessment from Whole Slide Images By Combining Momentum Contrast Learning and Group Patch Embeddings Daniel Shats (Technion)*; Hadar Hezi (Technion); Guy Shani (Technion); Yosef Maruvka (Technion); Moti Freiman (Technion - Israel Institute of Technology)
31 Segmenting Glandular Biopsy Images Using the Separate Merged Objects Algorithm David Sabban (University of Haifa); Ilan Shimshoni (University of Haifa)*
35 CL-GAN: Contrastive Learning-based Generative Adversarial Network for Modality Transfer with Limited Paired Data Hajar Emami (Wayne State University)*; Ming Dong (Wayne State University); Carri Glide-Hurst (University of Wisconsin-Madison)
36 IMPaSh: A Novel Domain-shift Resistant Representation for Colorectal Cancer Tissue Classification Trinh Thi Le Vuong (Korea University)*; Dang Quoc Vu (University of Warwick); Mostafa Jahanifar (University of Warwick); Simon D Graham (University of Warwick); Jin Tae Kwak (Korea University); Nasir Rajpoot (University of Warwick)
37 Surgical Workflow Recognition: from Analysis of Challenges to Architectural Study Tobias Czempiel (Technical University of Munich)*; Aidean Sharghi (Intuitive Surgical Inc.); Magdalini Paschali (Stanford University); Nassir Navab ("TU Munich, Germany"); Omid Mohareri (Intuitive Surgical Inc.)
39 RVENet: A Large Echocardiographic Dataset for the Deep Learning-Based Assessment of Right Ventricular Function Balint Magyar (Pazmany Peter Catholic University)*; Marton Tokodi (Semmelweis University); Andras Soos (Pazmany Peter Catholic University); Mate Tolvaj (Semmelweis University); Balint Karoly Lakatos (Semmelweis University); Alexandra Fabian (Semmelweis University); Elena Surkova (Harefield Hospital); Bela Merkely (Semmelweis University); Atilla Kovacs (Semmelweis University); Andras Horvath (Pazmany Peter Catholic University)